Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

Unconditional Joy

We have heard people say ” This person or circumstances stole my Joy or I have lost my Joy because of all these things “. The truth is that life can present in ways that your Joy could be affected but you can never lose your Joy.
Joy is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit and because the Holy Spirit is in you, then you cannot lose what He brings.
Joy is of the LORD  and comes from His presence within you and God has promised that He will never leave you or forsake you. He is committed to invigorating you daily with His Joy.
There are ways you stay Joyful irrespective of circumstances that presents itself in your life.
A. Learn to view circumstances from God’s perspective. This allows you to avoid being overwhelmed and driven by circumstances.
B. Intentionally surround yourself with people who are filled with Joy and who trigger Joy in you by creating environments of Joyfulness.
C. Be a person who see life for what it is. Life is a journey in which things are bond to happen.  You don’t control what will happen or when it will happen but yiu determine and control your response.
D. Take Gods word as your Anchor and trust the wird and promises of God in your life and for your life.
F. Avoid negativity and speaking negative things about yourself and your circumstances.  Words are catalyst of emotions.
E. Be a person of prayer and surround yourself with songs of worship and create an atmosphere of peace within you.
Remember that it is with Joy that we draw from the wells of Salvation.  Meaning that Joy is the key to kingdom inheritance appropriations.
Draw today healing
Drwa today peace
Draw today deliverance
Draw today prosperity.
Resolve to be the change you pray for.