Rebuilders Psalmists
Mission Statement
At Rebuilders, we worship as an expression of our love for God. Worship is expressed in a variety of ways throughout the Bible, and we use these expressions in our corporate gatherings at Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries.
To inspire individuals in the church to imbibe the culture of praise / worship and make it part of their daily life / routine to worship God irrespective of their nationality, race or color.
Scriptural Mandate
Ephesians 5:19
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord
Worship Experience
One of our focus every Sunday morning is to create a worship experience that celebrates the truth that Jesus is alive. We turn it up and we’re not scared to worship loud!
We worship with joy and want to see people connected to Jesus and one another in a growing expression of authentic worship, responding to who He is and all that He is doing in our lives.
Get Involved
Rebuilders Psalmists is a great place to serve others.
We seek to provide opportunities to those gifted in the arts to glorify God with their gifts in our corporate gatherings. If you are interested in ministering in this capacity by joining the choir, worship band, or audio/video team, kindly fill out the volunteer form below and someone from the worship team will be in touch with you shortly.
Worship Director