Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

God will RENEW and INCREASE your strength.

Isaiah 40:29 (KJV)

He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.

There are many things that God does for us, and we are blessed people irrespective of how life challenges are manifesting in our lives. He gives power to the faint because, in the journey of life, several things happen, and we may become weary and tired. To faint means to be spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted. To be in a state of extreme exhaustion, and some things bring us to such points in life. Let no man deceive you that it is a lack of faith in you when you faint. No, it is an opportunity to be refueled and reinvigorated by your loving Father, who understands what it means to be human. 

It is imperative then that we learn to look to God for power or His divine abilities. It does imply that there is a point to which your natural resources and abilities can carry you. Accepting such as part of your resolved ways of looking at life will significantly enhance your life journey. And them that have no might, He increases strength.

My God, My Father, oh that I may know your heart and love for me in my weakness and that I may stop judging myself and life by the standards of others. You know me and know my inner struggles; my heart is ever open to you. But there are just many times I don’t understand what next to do, and I feel lost in the mazes of life, thinking all my efforts have become unfruitful. I feel like I have failed and fallen, but I know that you are there for me, and I may not see it all but one day at a time, sweet Jesus that all I am asking of you.

If that is you today, be encouraged. God knows where you stand and what is going on. I know that it is not so easy, but with Him and by His grace, you shall get to your destination. He has not brought you this far to fail you. Remember, He gives strength, not only to those who ask, but He knows even if you are not asking. What God we serve. You are blessed and highly favored.


Apostle Morgan.