Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

 Seek the Lord and His Strength

1 Chronicles 16:11 (KJV)

 Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face continually.

SEEK: Acronym for:





So to seek the Lord is to:

Search for his ways and to look to him in Earnest, with ExpectationsKnowing that He will be found of you. Let us consider what the writer is saying; he is implying those whom he was writing to had come to a place and point in their lives when they were giving up on seeking God. 

It happens when we say even in our hearts – how long will I seek and ask and pray. The fatigue of seeking and waiting begins to weigh us down, and we begin to conclude, it is not going to happen, and if it does happen, not for me. So spiritual weariness sets in, and seeking God’s face becomes a thing we are not doing anymore. However, we are encouraged to seek His face continually and to seek His strength continually.

A person’s face is symbolic of favor, goodness, and acceptance. It is symbolic of audiences or relationships. So to seek God’s face means that we are not seeking just what He can do but who He is. We want to know Him. In knowing Him, we will know ourselves. In knowing Him, we find favor, grace, mercy, and goodness. In seeking His strength, we can withstand all circumstances and overcome all the negative challenges of our lives. 

So remember that when you stop seeking His face, you are the one who loses, and the enemy wins. I encourage you to spend time seeking His Face. I encourage you to know that when you seek His face, you will find His favor. No matter what you are facing now, seek His face and His strength. You will never lose when you do so. You are blessed and highly favored.


Apostle Morgan.