Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

We Are Heirs of God In Christ

Galatians 4:7 (KJV)
Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
Inheritance is tied to Sonship, Relationship, Position, and Affiliation. However, of all these factors that grantees inheritance none is more powerful than being an “Heir”. Notice that for us, there has been a change of Status. We are no longer servants. In this context, a servant is one who does not have rights or privileges.
He or she is considered to be of no value nor have any worth that makes him or her to have a say in the affairs of the Estate. But we are told that we are no longer servants but heirs. Waoow,  this is good news, our status has been changed and been heirs gives us.
1. Access to all of the inheritance of our Father.
2. It positions us to know and be involved in the affairs of the estate. We have a Say!!!!.
3. We are now welcome into the secrets of the Family and our voice is greatly appreciated.
4. We can make claims , demands, and requests without the fear of rejection or denial.
5. We can boldly express our minds without the fear of wrath or condemnation even as we do so in FULL reverence to the Father.
6. We now have brothers and sisters who together with we can fulfill the purpose of the Father for the good of the estate.
So know who you are. Know and accept that your status has been changed.
As you begin the journey of accepting who you are and what has happened by virtue of Christ, it transforms your mind and brings about such amazing experiences into your life and situations.
Apostle Morgan!