Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

The Grace of God to say No to Ungodliness

The Grace of God is an empowering nature of God within the life of every believer.  In order words , doesn’t  only save you but your daily life of godliness is made possible through the agency of Divine Grace.
We all have received Grace to say no to ungodliness and to say yes to righteous and holy living.
The act of Justifying sinful behaviors and unrighteousness under the umbrella of Grace is far fron the very nature of God whom we professes to be His Children.
As an empowering nature of God within the Believer, Grace is manifested in the daily choices we make as it relates to friendship and actions we take that glorifies Christ.
How can a Believer live a life of lies and deceit and still justify it by stating ” God is a Father who understands and uses the broken” . Yes, God is full of mercy and uses broken vessel but such vessels as are broken and repentant not the ones who take the Grace of God in their lives for granted 🙏.
We are living in a very challenging environment where the teaching on Grace is such that many are abusing their relationships with God and still feels comfortable doing so because they claim that Grace covers them.
Romans Chapter Six is a must read for every Believer and the understanding of God’s grace cannot be viewed outside of the Nature of God Himself.
You are full of Grace, live out your daily lives in reverence to God who lives in you.
You are full of Grace be a living witness of the Grace of God in righteousness.
You are full of Grace, honor the Holy Spirit who lives in you.
You are full of Grace, be truthful and honor the relationships God has blessed you with and stop the life of lies.
You are full of Grace, stand for God in all you do.
Resolve to be the change you pray for.