Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

Keep Doing Good and Keep Being Good

Whatever or whoever we allow to change us or influence our decisions because of their impact in our lives especially in a negative way has power over us.
It is therefore imperative that you stay true to who you are irrespective of the experience you may have heard from people.  It is not to say that you ought not to learn from life’s experiences, no, you are to learn from it. But, allowing people to be the drivers of your life and how you proceed in terms of how you respond to life in  view of what has happened to you is against your true self.
Keep doing good and keep being good because goodness is an expression of the true nature of God our Father.  He God does good to all men irrespective of how they have treated God.
Do good as much as it is in your power. Understanding that wisdom and Discernment is necessary in your acts of goodness is also important.
Remembering that doing good should not replace the necessity of holding people accountable is also important.
Have the right motive and the right attitude when you do good. We don’t buy people’s loyalty and fringe by acts of goodness rather we demonstrate the unconditional love of God through the acts of goodness.
Keep it simple and stay true to who you are. Be real and also be careful because your good deeds can be misinterpreted but don’t stop, that is why Goodness must be carried out or done through Wisdom.
Resolve to be the change you pray for 🙏