Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

Redemption is a Full Package

Redemption is a full package that not only ensured that the claim of sin and darkness over your life is broken but also ushered you into the inheritance of the children of God.
In Christ Jesus all that you needed for life and godliness has been provided and it only takes Faith in the Finished Work of Christ to appropriate your inheritance.
Most of individuals still approaches God with a slavery mentality which is anchored on legalism and religious orientation.
Through prayer and faith walk you appropriate your redemptive inheritance such as healing and prosperity.
It is also imperative to understand the need to outlive practically the Righteousness and Holiness of God within as a child of God.
Redemption and Grace are enabling and empowering elements of God in you unto righteousness and holy living.
Growing in the word of God and in the knowledge of the son of God is critical to redemptive inheritance as childishness and lack of understanding of your redemptive rights hinder you from walking in the fullness of all that God has for you.
Resolve to be the change you pray for.