Romans 10:10
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
There are two Kingdom principles established here.
1. Believability.
Nothing can be achieved in the Kingdom without you first Believing in your heart. You may be standing right now on the cliff of the rock and not knowing what to do, please Do Just One Thing BELIEVE that God got you. BELIEVE that you will not fall. BELIEVE that you are not alone. For the power of victory is in what you believe.
2. Confession.
This is the means by which your Faith is Released. There are no other way to Move the Supernatural into Manifestations except by Confessions. So if you Believe God can, then Right Now as you Read this devotional Open your Mouth and Speak Forth what You Believe and you Shall Receive it In the Name of Jesus Christ.
Put your Faith to work, dare Believe and Speak Today and see the Powers of Heaven at work in your circumstance.
Apostle Morgan!