Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

Nuggets of Life

Read 📚 Proverbs 8 vs. 1 to end.
1. Wisdom is the central element of life,  for by it Rulership, and Dominion are made possible.
2. Don’t ever forget that at the lowest points of life, there is still a warrior Giant in you waiting to be arose.
3. Don’t be so overwhelmed by life challenges that you forget that you can still make a difference in someone’s life.
4. Intentionally making sacrifice in what you do, can make all the difference.
5. Every problem in life has a self destructive mechanism in it, just give it time and act in faith, it will be over 🙏.
6. Greatness is the product of diligent,  well calculated and well focused effort towards set objectives.
7.  To never attempt is to die quietly,  for a life void of Risk is a life without experiences.
8. Quality and Responsibility should be the Motive behind our quest for excellence ✨.
9. It is the daily investment made in one’s vision that cumulate into the Greatness Desired.
10.  Through Selfishness and Fear, Excellence is Destroyed.
11. Life void of Wisdom,  Grace and Skills contributes nothing to the betterment of self or others.