Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

Love not the world (accept God’s wisdom)

1 John 2:15-16 (KJV)

15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

Some things are our prerogatives, and we must as well agree that when and if we make anything our prerogative, we must be okay with its consequences. Who we love and what we love is our prerogatives; however, God has made it clear through His Word that there are things (not people but things) we ought not to give our allegiance to nor fall in love with. Because, if and when we do, the outcome will not be for our best interest.

Love not the world or its system. So what is in this world system that we should not give our allegiance and affection to?

  1. Lust of the Flesh. The desire to be controlled by sensual and impulsive appetites. The desire to gratify the sinful nature or the lower nature of our lives. The power of lust is that it does not call to account the consequences of any actions or behavior that it has controlled the individual to indulge in. Meaning that when a life is controlled by lust, there is no end to the evil that can be done by it. Lust is the origin of all the destructive outcomes of life. It destroys homes, relationships, friendships, and it ruins everything that it touches. So God says to you and I don’t allow lust to control you, don’t fall to its appetites, don’t be governed by its impulsive nature. Don’t love lust. It kills everything that it controls. 
  2. Lust of the eyes is envy. It is one of the factors that lead to destructive behaviors that many people indulge in, it leads to compromise and betray. It ruins marriages and destroys friendships. An envious person is never satisfied with what he or she has. There is always a continuous comparison between such a person and what others have that he or she feels they are more qualified to have. It leads to a destructive end. When an individual is controlled by it, anything evil is possible.  
  3. Pride of life. Who I am, what I have, what I have accomplished. Pride is the most singular destroyer of all that is good among mankind. When pride controls any person, it results in such things as looking down on others. Despising others, thinking that we are better than others. Being unteachable. Self-exhalation and self-glorification are all outcomes of pride. And you know God hates pride and He resists the proud. 

So people, let’s listen to God and accept His wisdom for we can not be fruitful without the wisdom of God. 

Apostle Morgan.