Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

With thanksgiving, continue in “good works”…..(Labor of Love)

2 Thessalonians 3:13 (KJV)

But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

How many times will continue to do good and to be nice and nobody seems to care or even appreciate it, someone asks? Is there anything good in being good, another ask? Why is it that those who do the right thing rarely get the same kind of treatment back, another person asks? Oh since I been doing the right thing, it just seems that hell has broken loose, is it worth it, a friend inquired?

As I ponder on these questions, it becomes clear that indeed people generally want to do the right thing and many are doing their best to be right and do right. But often the challenges of life and the challenges of dealing with human nature and the reality of the human ways become that which overwhelms their intentions and so they become weary and tired.

However, I think that a few encouraging words can go along way to strengthen those who have become weary and tired of doing the right thing and never even getting a thank you. Foremost, let us establish that we live in a world where to do good has become more and more difficult and people have become more and more ungrateful and unthankful. The Bible established that in the last days, people will become unthankful and full of self which is a true reflection of human nature. 

So if and when you are in a position to do good, focus on God and see it as an opportunity to reflect the goodness of God. Let your motives be right. Because when your expectations are on the responses you think are going to come through people, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

Understand that doing good has an eternal reward and that God in His very nature does not forget your labor of love, He does not forget your good deeds and that He will reward you.

It is necessary that you seek satisfaction from the very fact that you had or have an opportunity to do the right thing for someone. It is an unequivocal truth that we get satisfied when we do the right thing. Remember that those who are ungrateful do so because of the very nature that exists in them, therefore avoid generalizations. Meaning that one or few experiences of ingratitude should not define your approach to what you do and who you are. Sometimes in life, you may just be the only one standing, it will be nice if you keep standing because not long from now others will see your resolve and come along. 

I pray for you today that you don’t grow weary and that your strength fails not. The world needs people like you. Darkness can only prevail when few good men and women decide to stay quiet and not shine the light. Continue to shine the light, it does make a difference and know that God is proud of you. Resolve to stand alone if necessary. 

Remember, that fruitfulness in any capacity requires tenacity and courage. You are called to be fruitful and fruitful you are, for the power of the curse has been broken. 


Apostle Morgan.