Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

Love ALWAYS defeat Fear

1 John 4:18 (KJV)

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

There are many reasons why people fear or feel afraid. Fear has a dual effect on each individual, it can bring about change, or it can become bondage unto which people are unable to release themselves from it. It is a natural response to circumstances that are overwhelming and uncertain; however, fear is one thing, but to be controlled by fear is another thing. Being controlled by fear is bondage, and it results in all kinds of negative outcomes.

Unproductive and unhealthy decisions are often the result of fear. Such an element mustn’t be a dominant factor in our lives. It is, therefore, in light of the impact of fear that the Bible addresses how it can be overcome. Perfect love or a matured love relationship is the key to overcoming fear. Perfect love is love that is anchored on truth. It is love that embraces all that is good and godly. Its focus is on the mutual growth of the individuals involved in such love relationships. 

Where such love exists, the is no fear because it does not create room for selfishness or self-centeredness. It looks at wrongdoing and acknowledges it and seeks for corrective measures in a healing way. Mistakes are made in such love relationships, and openness to correction is ever-present.

In such love relationships, forgiveness is essential, and no one holds a grudge against one another. There is no room for bitterness or resentment because it has no room for holding wrongdoings of another. So it creates the perfect environment that ensures the elimination of all forms of fear. Where fear exists, there abide all kinds of evil. Fear not only is a torment; it is a bondage. It is limiting in nature and can cripple relationships. So walk in love and experience true freedom. You are blessed and highly favored.


Apostle Morgan.