There are things in life worth losing and there are things that are not good for you to lose them in life.
If you lose ungodly friendship and toxic relationships, that is worth losing because such do not contribute to your life’s purpose and destiny.
If you lose people who don’t see or appreciate your value and what you bring, such are Ok for you to lose because they undermine you and will keep you hurting as long as they are around you.
If you lose things material that becomes source of entanglement for your soul, well what shall it Profit a man to gain the world and lose your soul. Losing material things that are source and conduit of darkness is better than losing your life.
If you lose a marriage where you are being cheated on and lied to and dishonored at every turn may be hurtful and a source of deep wound 💔 but it is better losing such union as against losing your soul and mind in trying to change that which is absolutely gone and lost already.
So there are things in life you can lose but there are things in life worth not losing, such as your salvation and your walk with the Spirit of the LORD.
It is not worthy of losing your Joy and peace either as such are essential for your soulish stability.
Fight and keep fighting for your Faith for it is the most valuable thing you possess. Don’t lose your intimacy with the Holy Spirit either nor your hunger for God.
Don’t your heart of goodness and your determination to be your best in God. Keep striving irrespective of how things may turn against you. For your life’s vision and mission is not losing either for anything.
Don’t lose your heart ♥ of love for love conquer all things ✨.
Resolve to be the answer for the things you pray for.