Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

Submission is Pathway to Grace & Strength

James 4:7 (KJV)

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

The pathway to victory is very obvious in the Bible. We are not left to figure it out for ourselves. God speaks plainly and precisely about how to have victory over Satan and the works of darkness.
Submit yourselves unto God. This is one of the keys to victorious living and Grace in the Kingdom. Submission is a word many do not like but it is the pathway to Grace and Strength. When we submit we allow the power of God to come alive in us and to work in us.
When we submit, we overcome selfishness and self-interest. Our hearts then is in the control of the Father. Our submission provides us the strength to resist the devil. Without such level of submission, we cannot stand against the strategies of the enemy. I ask you to submit to God, it is for your good. It works out better for you when you submit.
Apostle Morgan