Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries


There are many things we do so religiously that we often forget their true essence.  One of such is prayer.
Prayer is not just a Divine command, it is fundamentally a way of life. For by it, we express worship and praises to God.
By prayer we demonstrate our Dependence and Faith in the Living God through Christ.
Prayer is a Transformative agency – meaning that in the place of prayer God not only answer us, He changes us by building character in us even as we pray.
Prayer is communion with God and the Holy Spirit plays a vital role in any effective prayer, for it He the Holy Spirit that transports God’s heart and burden to you and transport your heart and desires to God.
He the Holy Spirit prays and intercede for you according to the Will of God the Father.  So, you see that prayer is much more and knowing the value of prayer in your life and situations will keep you praying.
Many people think that is foolishness to pray. Some of them will even mock those who pray as ignorant people and those lacking intelligence, but amongst the Wiseman and women of this world, prayer has been the bedrock of their lives.
Keep Praying and growing in intimacy with God through prayer.  Keep praying for change and act in faith for what you pray for. Keep allowing the Holy Spirit to birth the burden of God in your heart for your community, nation and the world 🌎.
Those who pray become the change they pray for. Shalom.