Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

Our Proclivity as  humans is such …

Our Proclivity as  humans is such that we are uncomfortable with what we cannot control.  We seek to control things and their outcomes.
We feel weak or consider it to be weakness when we are not in complete control, so the idea of absolute trust in God whom we don’t see often is a challenging one for so many people.
However, Proverbs 4 vs. 1 – 7 admonish us to Trust in the LORD with all of our hearts and that we depend not on our own understanding.  Implying that Trusting God is critical in our journey of life.
The challenge is that must of us are  often driven by sight.  So, to intentionally commit our plans and thoughts to God become a huge challenge.  For us to overcome this challenge, we must:
A. Seek to Renew our Minds Daily by the Living Word of God  Roms. 12 vs. 1 -2. This allows our thoughts and imagination to align with the ways of God – making it possible for us to understand God’s plan for our lives, eliminating the struggle of Trust.
B. Intentionally grow in Grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Knowing Christ is important in our daily living as we can trust someone we don’t really know.
C. Draw inspiration from others who have experienced the amazing Joy and Peace that comes from allowing God lead and direct their affairs.  Our human nature tends to identify with the testimony of others in the areas that we are seeking God ourselves.
D. Plan and be realistic in our planning.  The Bible doesn’t forbid you from planning rather it ask you to commit your plans to God. For the planning and tge preparation of the heart is of you, but to order your steps are of God.
Know your destiny, plan with realistic expectations and Faith but depend on God for the fulfillment and favors necessary for the planning to come to pass.
Resolve to be the change you pray for. Shalom.