Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries


John 14:1-6 (KJV)

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

For the one who finds it difficult to believe in God or His Words. This instruction as underscored by the scripture above is both unrealistic and somewhat unattainable in a world full of challenges and chaos.

How can I not be troubled when everything around me seems and are falling apart? People around me die suddenly and painful events are constantly happening around me such a person may ask.

Yes, you are right to think that way, but consider that the context of the scripture speaks even of such issues and much more But the call is for you and I to MAKE A CHOICE in the mist of all these and this choice ought to be founded on our belief in God.
So the Foundation of Faith and Belief is what influences our choices in the mist of our challenges.

Jesus said believe in Me and believe in the Father. And you may ask why?
Because the nature and character of God are such that you can depend on Him to bring you out and see you through.

So irrespective of what is going on with you today, know you have a choice!
But do so in faith, knowing that your God is able to provide you all you ever need to navigate through this. Be encouraged; for this too shall pass.


Apostle Morgan!