Prayer, Intercessory & Altar
Mission Statement
At Rebuilders, it is a great joy and an awesome privilege to “stand in the gap for the body of Christ, communities and nations”. The prayer ministry at Rebuilders has reverence for God, and do so in the spirit of righteousness and holiness within the ministry and in our personal lives.
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. 1 John 5:14-15
Scriptural Mandate
Ezekiel 22:30
I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.
Ezekiel 33:7
Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.
Prayer Events
Rebuilders Prayer, Intercessory and Altar Ministry meets on weekly basis to fellowship and communion with the Holy Spirit for the church, communities and nations.
Apostle Morgan received this vision in March / 1998. God told him to call His people to the place of prayer and intercession as watchmen.
THE MANDATE: Ezekiel 33:1-7
To abide in the place of prayer, perceive the heart beat of God concerning individuals and nations, pray it through and declare it to His people.
- Call God’s people from all walks of life and denominations to the place of prayer.
- Interpret the cry of Heaven for the moment to them and pray it through.
- Allow God minister to His people through the prayer network freely.
Through this prayer network we pray for the birth and sustenance of: revival, Godly values in our society, Constant move of God’s Spirit in the body of Christ, fulfillment of individual and cooperate dreams and purposes.
Get Involved
If you are a member of Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries and have prayerfully considered joining the prayer ministry, please complete the volunteer form below or contact the Prayer team coordinator for further communication.
Let Us Pray!
Rebuilders is a praying church. What is the challenging situation you are facing at the the moment? We know Our Lord Jesus Christ is greater than your situation. Submit a request below to give us the privilege to pray for you.
Prayer Coordinator