The King's Men
Mission Statement
The King’s Men Ministry is geared toward the empowerment and enlightenment of men in a holistic Biblical manner, in order for them to fulfill their God-given responsibilities as fathers, husbands and role models.
To create a spiritual environment that enables men to grow in a strong relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another.
Scriptural Mandate
Ephesians 4:1-3
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
what we do
- We empower men with revelational truths from the scripture in such a manner that they see and believe in the possibilities of the talents and gifting in them.
- We help men discover, believe and realize their purpose, vision and dreams in life.
- We bring liberty in every area of their lives where the enemy has bound them by the manifest power of the Holy Spirit.
- We give Biblical solutions and direction to challenges facing them as men.
- We create a forum for mentorship, protégée where the elderly men make a commitment to impart the younger men in their field of expertise for the continuity of godly influence.
- Support the goals and vision of Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries.
Men's Events
There are several opportunities provided for men to establish a friendship, fellowship, minister, and have fun. Various fellowships are also planned and organized throughout the year. In each of these events, preparation is necessary, and opportunities for service and participation are available.
Prayer Breakfast

Our Men’s Prayer Breakfasts are a time for us to enjoy great food, fellowship, teaching, and prayer. They take place periodically throughout the year on a Saturday morning at a specified location.
Men's Retreat

Once annually, we host a Men’s Retreat, which is a time for us to get away to enjoy fellowship, Bible Study and prayer. Each retreat is tailored and features speakers who offer God’s perspective on issues relevant to all Christian men.
Men's Work Weekend

Rebuilders men come together to take care of the Church facility, yard work and various activities that are peculiar for men to do within the church family and outside.
Get Involved
We welcome all men to join us in developing a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ and serving each other.

Divine Abanke
- (302) 365-5638
- men@

Emmanuel ndifor
- (302) 365-5638
- men@