Our goal and vision is to “Raise” our Children in the fear of God, hoping that they would grow to become all that God has designed and ordained their lives to be. Our children are the leaders of tomorrow, so we consider it of the uttermost importance to invest in them; allowing them to develop their spiritual, and natural talents as well as gifts for the profiting of the Body of Christ, their Community, and the world.
We are thrilled to have you come and visit! A welcome team will be there to check you in and lead you and your children to the rooms and areas that they are assigned.
Keeping your kids safe and secure is our top priority. All of our Children Volunteers are prayerfully screened with an interview and a background check.
On your way home, ask your kids what they learned. We provide resources for parents to follow up with their kids on the memory verses and curriculum we are teaching.
We partner with parents, family members and the church body in instilling a deep-seated desire to:
- Love Christ (Know)
- Live for Christ (Serve)
- Lead others to Christ (Evangelize)
- Develop their talents & gifts
- Learn to Love others and self.
- Learn to use their gifts in the service of God & Humanity.
- Be engaged in the growth and welfare of their Local Church.
- Model Christ- Like Life at Home and in School.
What Age Groups?
Whatever your children’s ages, we have biblical teaching, music, games and activities that fit their own unique needs. Our passionate team creates curriculum to correspond with the themes of our Adult services but provided in an age-appropriate context.
Will my child's photo be taken?
In order to keep current, our Children’s Ministry is now using many avenues of social media. This enables us to post pictures of all the great things that happen Sunday morning. We may post group pictures and videos occasionally on our children site on facebook, but pictures of individuals will not be posted without consent of parents.
What kinds of snacks will my child be served?
Our standard snack for toddlers and pre-school children is cheerios or chips and water. Occasionally a special snack may be offered so it is important to let us know about any food allergies in your Family Information Form and keep us up-to-date as those change.
What if my child needs me during the service?
The children staff will get you right away. The main sanctuary is only next door to the children’s ministry rooms.
Who is allowed to work with children?
At Rebuilders only staff and volunteers who have completed the appropriate forms and passed a background check for Criminal History and Sexual Offender information can work with children. Parents are welcome to sit in any class.
I have more questions
We are here to answer your questions or concerns. Email us during the week or speak to us in person on the weekend.

Ministry program where pre-teens gather to discuss issues such as friendships, relationships, peer pressure, etc., and how it relates to Christianity.

Ministry outreach program to educate children within the community about God.

Talent Show Program
Program for the children in the children’s ministry to share their talents with the Church.

CHARM School
Ministry program where pre-teens gather to discuss issues such as friendships, relationships, peer pressure, etc., and how it relates to Christianity.

Vacation Bible School
Ministry outreach program to educate children within the community about God.
REBUILDERS offers ways for kids to serve others through our children ministry levels and events!
Meet Our Children Leaders

Pauline Kugmeh
Sister Pauline is a spiritual and organizational leader who leads and oversees the children’s ministries which includes, but is not limited to, our Sunday morning program and special children’s events. She also owns a professional daycare practice in New Castle, Delaware. She is a mother with many grandchildren.