Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

Life’s Nuggets for Living: ” Love ❤️ Do Not Behave itself unseemly “

1 Cor. 13 vs. 1 – 7.

The Kingdom of God operates by Principles and when you understand the governing principles of the Kingdom, you truly enjoy the benefits of Kingdom living.

Love ❤️ as a Kingdom governing principle states that there are ways we ” Behave ” or ” Act” when we express to be loving people or person.

Love behaviors are anchored on the word of God and are guided by the Holy Spirit.

There are certain behaviors then that are epitomizes love and as such behaving contrary suggests lack of love even when someone verbally says or expresses that they love ❤️ you.

What are the Behaviors of True Love ❤️?

  • Love behaves empathetic – meaning that true love behaves in ways that its actions considers your feelings and understands your pain.
    It puts itself in your shoes and thinks of how what is done will affect you and impact you.
  • True love ❤️ behaves altruistic – meaning that it’s actions do not hold back what is best for you and does so without expectations of reward and repayments from you.
  • True love ❤️ behaves Loyally – meaning that its commitment can always be dependent upon irrespective of anything. So when people say they love ❤️ you and are not loyal to their commitment, they are lying and pretending. True love ❤️ behaves in loyalty to its friends.
  • True love ❤️ behaves or shows Consistency – meaning that true love ❤️ is ever available and present – come rain – come sun. Many people are fair weather lovers ❤️. They are available only when it appears advantageous to them and they quickly disappear when the going gets tough.

Love ❤️ is of God and true love behaviors are Reflective of the nature and character of God.

Resolve to be an amazing Helper 👏 to someone else this year. Shalom 👏.

Apostle Morgan Ikonne