Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

God is the Master Builder

Psalm 127:1 (KJV)

Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

Stability is something that everyone desires and often work very hard to achieve.  It is in some ways one of the assuring accomplishments that people rest their souls on. We hear it being said,  I need to find a way to stabilize my life or you need to be stable.  Implying that it is a mark of progress and achievement.

However,  the question remains,  can we outside of God be stable? What are the forces that oppose our intents for a stable life? How can we maintain whatever level of stability we have achieved? And the Bible speaks clearly on the subject matter and unequivocally established that except the LORD builds a house or a life we will labour in vain.

What this simple means is that the level of stability we have is dependent on how much we involve God in our pursuit of life’s issues.  A House in this context is metaphorically speaking of all that life consists of:
1. Relationships
2. Family
3. Friendship
4. Finance
5. Investments
And the list goes on, we must come to where we are Godcentric in mindset and Godcentric in approach.

Let’s stop fooling around with the idea that we got it figured out without God or we can do without Him.
He is the Alpha and Omega.  The beginning and end.  The one that sits above the circle of the earth.  Who orders seasons and in His hands all things are made beautiful even in His time. He is the everlasting God and the only wise God. Ignore Him you will lose out of life. Disbelieve His word, you stand to lose at every turn of your life. Embrace Him , things start to change.  Love Him, your life becomes better.

Indeed, except the Lord builds a house,  they labor in vain that builds it. Don’t labor in vain. I know you like to succeed,  so does God, involve Him and walk in wisdom,  your life will be a beautiful one.
You are Blessed and Highly Favored.


Apostle Morgan