The question is not does God forgive sin or can God forgive sins or what type or kind of Sin does God forgive? Rather it should be Am I open and willing to # Receive the Forgiveness that God has offered to me in Christ.
For while we were yet sinners Chris died for us and through His death and Resurrection we have received the Forgiveness of Sin.
The nature of God is that of Forgiveness and mercy. We must understand and accept that if we confess our sins to God, He God is faithful and just to forgive us all of our unrighteousness.
To confess means to acknowledge and speak to God of the nature of the wrong done and in faith believe that He God has heard you and that He by virtue of His nature would and has forgiven you.
Forgiveness is important in all forms of relationships. When we operate in Forgiveness we create the room necessary for healing and growth.
Forgiveness should not be a debatable thing – meaning should I forgive or not forgive but that which flow naturally from the heart that acknowledges how much you have been forgiven.
When we operate in Forgiveness we open the doors of Grace and love ❤ in our relationship.
When we forgive we close the door to all forms of hatred and bitterness.
When forgive we release ourselves from the burden and pain of hurts and wounds of life.
Choose Forgiveness and give life to any situation or circumstances 🙏.
Resolve to be the answer to what you are praying for