Four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a mat. They couldn’t bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, so they dug a hole through the roof above his head. Then they lowered the man on his mat, right down in front of Jesus.
Mark 2:3-4.
If someone asked you to name your number one worry, what would you say?
Like many parents, you would have to confess that your top worry and the target of many of your prayers is for your children.
You may realize that your aspirations for them far outpace your ability to help them.
There are some things parents just can’t do, no matter how well-intentioned they may be.
A story in the Gospels is instructive, pointing out a way to deal with worry, whether it’s worry about our children or about others we care for.
You probably remember the four men who lowered a paralyzed man into Jesus’ presence so the man could be healed.
In this story, we see how the faith of others can be deployed to bring about victory for someone else. Our children often struggle with so many things that they don’t know how to navigate and often are unwilling to share their struggles. But, through the help of the Holy Spirit, we can assist them and carry them through the seasons of difficulty.
“Many of our children,” may look as though they “are paralyzed by life difficulties, and the weight of that reality is too much for a parent to bear by herself or himself.
We become weary when we don’t see any change, when we don’t spy even a glimpse of an answer to prayer.
Imagine what it takes sometimes to convince our children that the choices they are making may not be the best for them. Like the friends of the paralyzed man, there are things we can do to assist our children in their journey of life and faith.
1. Recognize the needs in your children life. Often parents are oblivious as to what their kids are going through or parents assume they know what their children are going through. Allow your children to ” Reveal ” what their true needs are.
B. Identify with their needs – No matter how messy it may be. That they are in a mess, doesn’t change the fact that they are still your children or child.
C. Fight the enemy, Not the child. Postpone judgment and deal with the issue by lovingly fighting for your child’s life.
D. Recognize and accept that you can’t help them without involving Christ and intentionally introducing them to Christ. Don’t allow the enemy tell you they don’t need Christ. They can only be eternal helped only through Christ.
E. Identify with people of same Faith and Join forces with Praying parents. Carry your Children on the stretchers of PRAYER before the LORD.
Don’t take no for an answer, break protocols if and when necessary. The life of your child is worth fighting for. Stand in Faith until you see the victory.
Remember, that you are fully equipped to address all issues that would arise in the life of your child or children.
Prayer 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿.
Father I thank you for teaching my fingers to war and hands to battle for the sake of my child. Help me to see the value and worth you have placed in my child and enable me by the Holy Spirit to take a Stand in Righteousness with you for all you have destined my child for.