Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

Nugget (Page 6)

Today’s Life’s Nugget: Friendship

Friendship provides strength, and companionship but the value of True Friendship is in its influence. Therefore, we all one time or another have been impacted by the quality of friendship we forged. ” There is a friend that is closer than a brother, for a true friend made for the day of adversity”. Judge the quality of your friendship but the positive impacts they make or have made in your life. Shalom, Apostle Morgan.

Today’s Life’s Nugget: Emotions & Feelings

How we think and what we think makes up the sum total of our Emotions and Feelings. To change once Emotions and Feelings than requires a Change in thinking patterns. Faith is both an Evidence and Hope. It functions by the conditions of the Heart ❤️ and the Expressions of Mouth. Therefore, believing and Speaking must go hand in hand for Faith to work. Love 💘 ❤️ is both Tangible and non Tangible. It therefore, not only measured by Sacrifice…

Today’s Life’s Nugget: Communication

Communication and its style is the catalyst to Feelings, Emotions and Behaviors. Learn to use Empathetic Words, Tactic and Gracefulness as those are necessary for successful Communication that produces the Results or Change you desire. ” A Graceful Word, Turns Away Wrath and those who have learned to use it wisely, will benefit from it”. Have an eventful Day filled with Accomplishments and Divine Blessings 🙌. Shalom, Apostle Morgan.