Church Blog
When the destiny of a man is fulfilled living becomes meaningless
Understanding that meaningful living is tied to the fulfillment of destiny allow you to intentionally pursue your destiny for Jesus stated ” I must work the work of Him that sent me for the night cometh” the implication of that statement then is the ” Once assignment and destiny is fulfilled, living has no other meaning. We can’t afford to work in our night figuratively speaking as working in our night means that we can then destroy what we have…
The heart of the righteous is filled with joy irrespective of the situations surrounding the righteous
We live in a world filled sometimes with uncertainties and turmoil as such we must understand and appreciate the value of Joy and Joyfulnes. For the Joy of the LORD is your strength. Living Joyfully is a choice and that choice begin with allowing Jesus Christ to be your LORD and Savior. For at the moment of salvation you receive the Holy Spirit who is produce Joy within you as one of the fruit of the Spirit. Joy is essential…
Words are catalyst of emotions. Be careful what you speak and learn to govern your mouth
Everything and everyone in life either respond or react to Words. It is an undeniable trust that words are the framework of life. We are advised by the Scriptures to be wise in our use of Words especially as it relates to our relationship with one another. Learning how to speak graciously and gracefully is important in the outcomes of life and relationships. Thinking through why and what we say is key. The wise is known by how they governor’s…
We are Co Heirs with Christ, Partakers of His Divine Nature
The Kingdom Life we have is centered on understanding of our Divine Nature. We are Born 9f the Spirit and we are partakers of the very Life of God called # Zoo. By and through the Zoo Life we are now carries of the Living God. His Divine Nature within us has given unto us ALL things that pertains to Life on earth and by the same nature we live a life of Holiness and Righteousness. So, for the Believer…
Every Child of God Carries the Blessing
Blessed be God who has blessed us with all blessings in Christ. Our blessedness is in Christ and we are designed to operate in the Blessings. Knowledge of our blessedness should provoke gratitude and a change of perspective as it relates to our true identity. The church is still praying 🙏 for what has been given as against acting in wisdom and appropriating what is theirs. It takes understanding or vision to walk in what is yours, therefore Paul’s prayer…
Christianity is a relationship not a religion
Our understanding of what Christianity is all about is critical to how we who professes to be Christians goes about our Faith walk. At the core of Christianity I’d # Love Relationship between us and our Father God through His Son Jesus Christ and by the enabling Grace of the Holy Spirit. Understanding the Christianity from the vintage of Love Relationship is important as it helps define and shape our approach to life and circumstances of Life. We are called…
God can forgive any sin no matter how great or small it seems. Sin has been dealth with.
The question is not does God forgive sin or can God forgive sins or what type or kind of Sin does God forgive? Rather it should be Am I open and willing to # Receive the Forgiveness that God has offered to me in Christ. For while we were yet sinners Chris died for us and through His death and Resurrection we have received the Forgiveness of Sin. The nature of God is that of Forgiveness and mercy. We must…
With Joy You Will Draw From The Wells of Salvation. Don’t Loose Your Joy
There are things in life worth losing and there are things that are not good for you to lose them in life. If you lose ungodly friendship and toxic relationships, that is worth losing because such do not contribute to your life’s purpose and destiny. If you lose people who don’t see or appreciate your value and what you bring, such are Ok for you to lose because they undermine you and will keep you hurting as long as they…
Worry and Anxiety Never Brings Solutioins To Problems – Pray Instead.
Life in itself is challenging and to face the challenges of life, one must embrace the fact that no one is immune from the challenges of life. Jesus said in John 14 vs. 1 – 3 ” In this World you will have troubles but be comforted for I Jesus have overcome 🙏 “. Often as we face the challenges of life, it is natural to respond to Life issues from the standpoint of fear, worry and anxiety. Now, let…
You have the power to say no to sin.
A fundamental teaching of the Scripture is # Victory over the power and nature of Sin. In Christ we have been set free from the Dominion of Sin and the power or influence of the nature of Sin. In Christ we are redemption and the Forgiveness of Sin. So, for the Believer in Christ your new nature is that of Righteousness and the fruit of Righteousness is Holiness. Accepting who you are is at the core of daily experience the…