1 Corinthians 16:13; 2 Corinthians 1:24; Galatians 2:16; Revelation 3:20
If we compare our relationship with Christ to a train, we have to allow faith to pull us down the track into a deeper relationship with God. Faith pulls the cars of fact, feeling, joy, discouragement, loneliness—whatever makes up your train of life.
But it’s important to remember that faith and fact are like the engine and the coal car; they are never disconnected or interchanged.
Jesus announced that he was standing at the door of our hearts and knocking. He went on to say that if anyone would answer the door and let him come in and reside in his home, he would come in and share a meal as a friend.
The fact is: When you have repented of your sins, Christ has forgiven you of your sins and wants a relationship with you. And by faith, you believe in him.
The just shall live by faith.
There is no other engine that pulls the train, and no other coal car that feeds the engine except the fact that you have been forgiven.
The other cars in your train may come and go. There will be days when you experience feelings of joy. You may be overwhelmed by his presence. There may be other days when you have feelings of loneliness or discouragement, or you may be sick and not feel a thing.
You may think your train has been derailed because you can’t feel God. During those times, Satan will work like crazy to make you think you are not a Christian.
He will tell you that you never were saved in the first place. Or he may bring up a sin from your past and try to make you think that God couldn’t possibly forgive you for that. Don’t believe Satan – even for a second!
Instead, keep doing what you have always done:
Continue reading your Bible. Keep praying to your heavenly Father.
And no matter what the weather is on the outside, keep the Son shining in your heart by steadily growing in his grace.
Don’t allow Satan or anyone else to get your cars mixed up. Remember, joy doesn’t pull the train. Feelings don’t empower the train. Faith pulls the train. Don’t disconnect your faith in Jesus. He alone is the One who pulls you to your final (and eternal) destination.