Isaiah 6:8, 11; Jeremiah 1:6-10; Habakkuk 3:17-18
Shane found Ryan in his bedroom with the curtains drawn and the lights off, obviously experiencing a major hangover.
Shane sat on the floor beside the bed and spoke softly.
“You look awful!”
“Tell me something I don’t know,” Ryan responded.
“Someone slipped some ‘X’ in my drink last night. Ohhh. My insides feel like they’ve been ripped apart with a lawn mower.”
Shane did not know a lot about “X,” other than the fact it was short for “ecstasy” and was a powerful and popular drug making the rounds at his high school. “Ry, do you really think it’s worth it? I mean, look at you!”
“That is what I want to talk to you about, Shane. I have known you for a long time. No matter how many times I have screwed up, you have remained a real friend.”
“Hey, listen
“No. You listen! I know I am not in real good shape right now, but I do know what I am talking about.
You have always been a good guy. The only reason I started partying was because I couldn’t say no to the pressure. I just wanted to be included, you know?”
“I hear you.”
“But—you never gave in. Everyone knows what you stand for; they know how involved you are in your church and youth group. And most of the times I have gone with you, I have really enjoyed it. I have come real close several times to making a commitment to God, but something always holds me back.”
“I know. I have sensed that.”
“I want what you have, Shane. I need that strength. I don’t want to keep giving in to the pressure of things that I really don’t even want to do.”
“Ryan, that is great!” Shane yelled. As Ryan covered his ears and winced in pain, Shane remembered he should keep the volume down.
“Hold on,” Ryan continued. “I want to give my life to Christ, but I am scared. And you can’t tell anybody I said that!”
“Come on Ry! I am your friend, remember?”
“Yeah, yeah. Guess I am just scared of all I know I will have to give up to become a Christian.”
“Well, let’s talk it out,” Shane said as he reached for the New Testament that was crammed in his hip pocket.
You don’t need to worry about what to say when God gives you a clear opportunity to share your faith.
The same God who gives you the chance to witness will also place just the right words in your mouth.
Learn to be present and attentive to those around you even in their most lowest state. God has allowed you an opportunity to share His love with them in such moments.
Remember, that God’s word is always in you, all you need to to listen to the Holy Spirit’s leading and follow. Avoid being judgemental, learn the heart ❤of God for the Sinner and make the distinction between Sin and the Sinner.
Your testimony is not just what you say but much more greater – It is who you are.