Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

Outreach Ministry


Reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, building saints unto maturity in faith and ministry as we touch our community with the tangible hope in Christ Jesus.


Our desire is to share the Love of Christ with everyone as we have received it. Below are opportunities to reach, love and build relationships with others in your community.

Elderly Outreach Ministry: (Matthew 25 vs. 31- 46).

Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries Inc is committed to being the loving hands of Christ to those in our community who needs it the most, as such we engage in such community based outreach ministry to the Elderly among us. For more than five years now, Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries Inc has provided the loving warm of Christ Love to Elderly residents at Ingleside Elderly Home at Wilmington Delaware. Our ministry to these dearly beloved of God includes and not limited to:

  • Holding a monthly in- house church service with the elderly residents.
  • Providing seasonal love gifts to them during all the national holidays.
  • Provision of supportive prayers and comfort to them as needed.

Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries helps reach people in our community who need a helping hand to bring out the treasures in them. Every man and woman created weather saved or unsaved has divine potentials deposited in them by God.

There is no one God created with an empty head or without purpose. Their inner treasure are easily crowded by evil, sin, ignorance, and uncultured character. Some of them are self inflicted while others are environmental.

Rebuilders reaches these whores, drug addicts, drunkards etc with hope that is capable of transforming them and bring them to a place where they live a profitable life to both themselves and the community. This too serves as a medium of reaching with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We assist their needs materially in the following way:

  1. Housing
  2. Skill acquisition
  3. Arts development
  4. Career counseling and development.
  5. Education
  6. Medical support.

Community Dinner & Crusade: (Matthew 25 vs. 31 – 46).

Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries Inc vision statement encapsulate the fact that we are a Church whose goal and objective is to provide the “Tangible Hope In Christ”, so as a church, we are deeply committed to service provision to those among us in our various communities who are on transition of life. Especially those who are in recovery from Substance Use Disorders and its comorbid Issues, those who are Homeless, and such as at that moment may just need a loving touch of Christ through another human. For over six years now, we have engaged as a Church in organizing and providing “Home Cooked Thanksgiving Dinner alongside the Gospel, Clothing, Shoes, and other life necessities” to over 5,000 individuals in life Transition in our Community. Our services include:

  • Presentation of the Gospel of Christ in such a non- condemning way and manner that bring Hope, Healing and Salvation to these individuals.
  • Provision of Home Cooked Meals during the Thanksgiving Holiday.
  • Provision of life necessities such as Winter Clothes, Dresses, Shoes, and Children Clothes.
  • Offering of Prayers and free counseling / advisement to those who needs such assistance.

We regularly reach out to prisoners, providing the needed spiritual, emotional and material support. Rebuilders go beyond visitation to the provision of:

  1. Soft skills that help them reintegrate into the society.
  2. keep in touch with them daily ministry wise by providing things like Correspondent letters, musical cds, Gospel messages, personal Bibles etc.

We organize seminars and workshops for them with an aim of reaching more of them for Christ and get them realize that the prison is beyond confinement but ignorance of God’s purposes in one’s life.

We aim to break the prison of the soul by evangelizing, encouraging and equipping them with the Word and Promises of Jesus Christ so that they can be empowered to successfully transition back into society upon release from jail or prison.

We connect with both adult men and women Correctional Centers.

Do you have a relative or friend in jail (or prison) you will like us to contact with the message of Jesus Christ? Please let us know.  Contact us: [email protected]


Our desire is that each individual serves both inside the walls of our building and strategically in our communities. You can make a difference in the lives of others by sharing the gifts and talents here God has given you.

Love others  as Christ loves you!


You can support outreach materially by contacting us. To donate financially, you can use our giving form on the Give Page. 100% of your gifts will go to fund the work of outreach opportunities locally and global.

Select “Outreach” in your giving.

Outreach Coordinator

yvette chase

(302) 365-5638
