Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

Be rich in the Words of Christ

Colossians 3:16 (KJV)

 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

We become what indwells us. We manifest what possesses us. We act forth what inhabits us. So life and its expressions are the by-products of what is within an individual. Meaning that whatever inhabit our lives, ultimately controls us. If love, kindness, grace, mercy, and patience indwells anyone, such becomes what makes up who that person is and how he or she expresses themselves in their living. 

So, we must make a conscious decision and choice as to what we allow to indwell us. We are admonished to allow the Words of Christ to indwell us richly and to develop an atmosphere within our spirit that fosters spiritual, emotional and mental well being. It means that what we allow into our spirit and soul is very important. That we are the by-product of what controls us. And at such, we must make conscious efforts to surround ourselves with people whose spirit can positively impact ours.

When Christ’s Words dwell in us, we are then in a position to influence others for good. Remember to be fruitful requires a good heart condition, you can’t afford to be filled with negativity and expect yourself to be fruitful in the right way. So, create an atmosphere of grace within your spirit, sing spiritual songs in your heart. Soulish songs have a way of cleansing the mind and calming restlessness within our being. So sing psalms and hymns in your heart. 

Let the condition of your heart be filled up with good thoughts and peaceful thoughts. It helps in fruitfulness. You are called to be fruitful and fruitful you are for the power of the curse has been broken.


Apostle Morgan.