Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

We are His Masterpiece

Ephesians 2:10 (KJV)

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Design determines purposeful, and purpose determines utilization. We all crave to hold in our hands the masterpiece of artwork. We desire to have in our collections, such masterpieces of Arts, such as those of Michael Angelo and the likes. We pride in such, those who are into electronic devices, cars, cultural artifacts, watches, clothing and more all crave to have in their possessions masterpieces of their favorite designers or artists or sculptors and manufacturers because they take pride in such.

It blew my mind to notice that it is very rare to see people celebrate the greatest masterpiece of all ages, the best creative workmanship by the greatest Master of all masters. God is the greatest Master and He designed and crafted the greatest masterpiece of all ages: YOU!!!!!!. Not only did He do that, but He also created you a new person in Christ Jesus with a definite purpose. Our lives have meaning and purpose. We are not biologically accidents nor are we just existing here to eat, drink, live and die. We are His masterpiece and we have been so created to showcase His good work. 

What that means is, that we are to demonstrate the excellency of God’s goodness and love to all around us. You see when the purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable. When the design is misunderstood, proper utilization is impossible. So many of us by not knowing who we are and what we are meant to do, fall victim to the influence of things that ought not to control us and we abuse ourselves and defeat our own designed purpose because of ignorance. 

But I come to you today to say:

You are unique.

You are beautiful.

You are wonderfully created.

You are the best of the best.

You are loved and cared for.

You are made to reflect the beauty and excellence of your Maker.

You are His choicest Masterpiece.

You have a divine purpose, greater than all you are currently dealing with.

Arise to the quality of life God has called you unto. Represent Christ in all you do. Cherish yourself and honor your life. Carry yourself with dignity and poise for you are the best from the best. You are capable of doing good and being the best because that is in your DNA. God loves you and has proposed your life to be the best at all things. 

Live out fully your potential and know that you are called to be fruitful and fruitful you are for the power of the curse has been broken. 


Apostle Morgan.