Rebuilders Apostolic Ministries

Prayer is a Lifestyle

1 Thessalonians 5:17-19 (KJV)

Pray without ceasing.

Paul a man who understood the pain of persecution,  betrayal, and suffering because of his faith in Christ writes by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to the church at Thessalonian and implored them to apply three great keys of the Kingdom on their daily lives.
1. He said – Always Be Joyful. 
You see Joy is of God and a fruit of the Holy Spirit.  It is more than a disposition that someone has, it is a state of being.  It is not natural in nature meaning that which is dependent on surrounding or environment but it is supernatural and spiritual.  It is the source of strength for those who allow themselves to grow in this fruit.
Joy is the power of victory and a heart that is fully anchored on God is always joyful because its strength throughout life’s circumstance are derived from the Truth of who God is. Choose joy over sorrow.  Choose joy over pain. Choose joy over bitterness.
2. Pray without Ceasing. 
Prayer is our life line and daily prayer is critical for daily survival.  Prayer here is presented as a lifestyle not a duty. When prayer is your lifestyle,  no circumstances can stop you from praying.  Be a person of prayer not just in words but indeed.  “Stay Prayer – Full”.
3. Be Thankful. 
Thanksgiving and thankfulness are the attitude of winners. They see victory coming and are engaged in thanking God even for what is yet to come. The strength it takes to complain is the same strength it takes to thank God. Be a thankful person.  Let God and people know you are thankful.
With thanksgiving,
Apostle Morgan!